+31(0)614109291 info@ycmore.com


Who Do You Think You Are?

Who do you think you are?! Such a provocative question, right?

This mini-training is created for you: to inspire you to get to know yourself better.

Take at heart what you like and leave what is not relatable to you for a later moment. Keep coming back to the content. 

How much percentage of yourself are you?

Give it a try! Listen, do the homework and implement.


Coaching YC More

Day 1 – Being Who You Are

Coaching YC More

Day 2 – Feeling Great Where You Are

Coaching YC More

Day 3 – Growing Into You

Coaching YC More

Day 4 – Embrace Curiosity

Coaching YC More

Day 5 – Use Your Voice

Coaching YC More


The importance of self-awareness

Self-awareness is essential to your personal growth and development. It allows you to

  • identify your strengths and weaknesses,
  • understand your motivations, and
  • recognize your patterns of behavior.

With more self-awareness, you’ll make

  • better decisions and choices,
  • improve your relationships, and
  • achieve your goals.

When you are aware of your own emotions and experiences, you are better equipped to impulse control yourself and understand and empathize with others.

This leads to stronger, more fulfilling relationships and a greater sense of community. For you and for those that matters most to you!