+31(0)614109291 info@ycmore.com

Marks for Change™

the time is now

Express, Transform, Thrive:


The Mark-Making Experience


Have you ever noticed a person that just walks with that natural flair? As if everything is easy and life’s a breeze?

Those people carry an unwavering self-trust.

Times of misinformation, confusion, and distrust require to train whom to trust most: YOURSELF

If you feel drained, insecure about next steps and and fearful due to doubt, worry, or inner critics, know that Marks for Change help you to align yourself with your strongest and most reliable self.

I am excited to support you on that journey.

The Right Time is Now.

Free yourself from insecurities and worries.

Get rid of conditioning as people-pleasing behavior and perfectionism.

Gain clarity on your dreams and get tools to stay focused on what you desire.

Anchor yourself deeply into your soul

Improve and speed up internal decisionmaking

Gain unshakeable self confidence and assertivity

Future-proof your mental and emotional resilience

Tools and insights on how to recalibrate yourself – safely & securely

Imagine a life:

– free from self-doubt and hesitation.

– no waste of precious time procrastinating or second-guessing yourself.

– making decisions with ease and confidence

– thriving on a daily basis, joyfully going through your days, without any regrets.

No matter the situation, you stand strong and resolute, empowered to face any challenge that comes your way.

This is the life you deserve, and it’s within reach. Let me help you get there.

Make your Marks

Get real with yourself and your desires while having a blast!

If you long for the most loving safe place you’ve ever known, come home to yourself.

I will guide you gently on a deep yet fun path to trusting yourself more and reducing the steps to your caged dreams.

Month 1-3
Exploring who you are now and identifying the areas you want to improve.

Month 4-6
Embodying the qualities of the person you aspire to be and take actionable steps towards making that transformation a reality.

Month 7-9
The real you, liberated from social conditioning is the one who is invincible. Taking fresh decisions from that new found place is drastically improving your future.

No matter your circumstances. The storms you’re facing. The challenges you face.

Like an arrow, this transformational journey goes fast, far and deep in a fun way with a unique, impactful and customized approach that you will adopt naturally along the way.

A real chance to improve your life

rapidly and efficiently.

Be fierce and join me in March 2024 for a journey of 9 months.

Get yourself a pen and apply today.

You’ll be SO thrilled you did.
Be Cool. Be You.

This great journey of self starts September 2024.

Apply today for the journey of your life.

Only 12 seats available on this exclusive voyage. Why wait? The time is ticking.

This is your one and only life and this journey brings you alive in a way you’ve never imagined possible.

Apply Today!