+31(0)614109291 info@ycmore.com


intentional creativity®

fresh thoughts

greater feelings

better actions


3 coaching sessions

The Rentrée Reset Powersession prepares you for autumn:

1. Reflect on summer and learn how to keep your best vibes alive and take them far into autumn!

2. You release pressure and concerns and integrate positive thoughts and feelings to serve you well in the coming months.

3. You will charge your immune system with joy and strength by creating an  actionplan (and learn ways how to stick to it) that aligns with the kind of Autumn you’ve always wanted to live.


A workbook

A printable workbook to follow along with the exercises and prompts and note down your insights and action steps.

It also includes extra exercices that will serve you over the coming months.


La Rentree Reset

A coupon code

You will receive a coupon code valid until Dec 14th, 2023 to gain access to the self paced End of Year Trilogy 23-24 that runs between December 15th and January 15th once you purchase La Rentree Reset. 


Rentrée Reset

Hello dear one,

Summer Vibes get us thinking, flowing, dreaming, don’t they?

Don’t let post-summer blues get you down.

The Rentrée Reset is a superfun coaching experience to keep those positive vibes flowing through autumn. 

With the Rentrée Reset,
* you validate your feelings and emotions, clarify any confusion you may have been feeling during those lazy summer days and release what can go.

* you’ll get a clear understanding of your holistic self-care priorities and how to stick to them

* you’ll set yourself up to face the typical Q4 routine, commitments and pressure with joy, strength and vitality.

This affordable tasting session is valued at $450, book it now for only $179.

Don’t let the end of summer get you down – invest in yourself and book the Rentrée Reset today.


“What an insights you give. You’re such an inspirator.”

“We received so many positive reactions to your creative groupsession! Can you prepare a new workshop for the whole team, please?”

“The beautiful day with you, so memorable, so important.”