+31(0)614109291 info@ycmore.com

ready to “SKETCH IT OUT! “?

Imagine drinking hot cacao while colouring your own drawingbooklet during the Holiday Season…

start without skills

great tips & tricks

discover creative joy 


Six enjoyable hours

The Sketch It Out! fun serie gets you drawing in 6 enjoyable live sessions.

* Perfect for beginners, invite some friends and revel in creating stick figures!

* Bye bye to the “I’m not creative” worries and embrace lasting positivity throughout the course.

* Imagine coloring your own drawingbook, while sipping hot cacao in your pyjamas during the Holiday Season. 

Sketch It Out! method

A workbook

A printable workbook to follow along with the exercises and prompts and note down your insights and action steps.

It also includes extra exercices that will serve you over the coming months.


A coupon code

You will receive a coupon code valid until Dec 14th, 2024 to gain access to the self paced End of Year Trilogy 24-25 that runs between December 15th and January 15th 2025.


Hello you!

Are you secretly missing the days when doodling was your favorite pastime, and creativity flowed effortlessly?
Life may have taken its toll, but fear not!

My Sketch It Out! course is tailored just for you.

You will rejoice with these fun series!

🌟 Rediscover Your Creative Spark: Unlock the artist within and rekindle the joy of self-expression through simple and enjoyable sketches.

💪 Build Confidence in Creativity: You don’t need to be an artist; you just need to be yourself. Gain confidence in your creative abilities in a supportive and encouraging environment.

🎨 Stress-Free Creative Outlet: Amidst the chaos, find solace in a world of doodles and sketches. Enjoy the therapeutic benefits of expressing yourself without the burden of perfection.


Sketch It Out! method

What previous ‘non-creatives’ shared:

“Margaret’s weekly online drawing sessions were a joy. The structured assignments compelled me to indulge in what I love, resulting in increased drawing and noticeable improvements. Excited to bring my sketchbook on holiday!
Thanks, Margaret, for the delightful lessons.”

Vera Andeweg

NLP Coach, Feedback Training & Consulting

“Margaret’s drawing courses transformed me. From doubting my drawing talent, I now draw confidently. This newfound self-assurance led me to teach at my elementary school. Margaret’s unique blend of artistic guidance and empowerment sets her apart. She silences your inner critic and I recommend her to friends amazed by my progress.

Her approachability, inspiring methods, and genuine encouragement have been invaluable. For personal transformation through pen and paper, Margaret is an excellent choice. I am immensely grateful for this profound journey.”

Annemarie Hoogland

Teacher, Nicolaas Beetsschool

“Thanks to Margaret’s enthusiasm and skills, I conquered my belief that I couldn’t draw. It’s so much fun! Her assignments kept me engaged, and the class was filled with good energy. Learning to see the ‘little’ things around me differently has been a game-changer.”

Pauline Nieuwenhuis

Staff member Gooi & Vechtstreek, Province North-Holland