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Free Resource YC More

Simple and Easy Habits to add more joy to your life Right Now

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Free Resource YC More

Make time for your talents with a ritual.

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Free Resource 30 ideas

30 easy to do ideas to spark creativity, joy and way more fun!

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Quick guide to selfmastery

Knowing Yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself. This practical helps you along.

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Quick Guide to Effective Communication

How to attract healthy relationships et on the path of abundance and thrive through life

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Quick guide to improve well being

Only you are responsible for your well being. Take a practise or two from this quick guide and improve your life with big leaps.

CLICK Here for the PDF

Autonomy with Margaret Sap

Even a so-called free world requires you to be alert and not fall prey to manipulation. Here’s how you maintain your autonomy.

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Media Literacy with Margaret Sap

Media literacy is an essential tool to navigate the digital landscape responsibly.

CLICK Here for the PDF

Don't be fooled into beliefs you don't stand for

Be a responsible citizen and choose to be aware of linguistic techniques that influence how information lives in you.

CLICK Here for the PDF

learn to sketch the easy way

There’s a lot of joy in sketching what’s in front of you. It only takes a minute!

CLICK Here for the PDF

On the path of abundance

How to get on the path of abundance and thrive through life

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Poster Image Be Gentle

A wonderful reminder to be kind to yourself.

CLICK Here for the PDF

Sparks Of Joy Audio

Margaret’s weekly 3-minute audio messages are collected in this Sparks of Joy podcast.

Coming soon. 

SIGN UP for audio Sparks of Joy

5D Challenge Who Will You Be in 2023

There’s so much more within you than you can ever imagine. Let’s lift off the veil and see what’s underneath.



CLICK Here for the free training

Doing Life Happier podcast

For wise and ageless individuals who truly want to make the most out of their lives.
Margaret invites speakers to answer generously to thought-provoking questions.

CLICK Here for podcast
